Trusted mortgage advisors for those who have had their mortgage declined

Mortgage declined? Here's what to do next

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. When The Bank Says No is a mortgage broker, and not a lender.

Specialist advice for those who have had a mortgage application declined

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. When The Bank Says No is a mortgage broker, and not a lender.

Finding The Best Mortgage Deal After Being Declined

Applying for a mortgage and being declined can be a disheartening experience. After all, there’s little that matches the disappointment of potentially losing out on your dream home.

At times, it might feel like you’re facing this problem alone, but this really isn't the case. Mortgage applications get declined every day and the reasons behind refusals are more nuanced than you might realise.

The most common reasons for having your mortgage rejected include:

  • Bad credit
  • Affordability issues
  • Changes in property valuation
  • Remortgaging refusal
  • Underwriter refusal
  • Your status as an expat or a non-British national on a Visa.

With that in mind, you needn’t worry about having to face these problems alone. Here at When The Bank Says No, our experienced mortgage and loan advisors can assist you in navigating declined mortgage applications.

Our mortgage broker service increases your chances at success on subsequent reapplication and eases your mind about your financial status or poor credit history being in the way of owning your new home. So here’s a detailed plan on what to do when you have been mortgage declined.

What to Do When Your Mortgage Application is Declined

Getting rejected by a mortgage lender might seem like a step back in your quest to own property, but it’s far from the end of the road. You can take it as a sign to reevaluate your finances and get help to move in the right direction.

Here’s what to do:

Improve Your Credit Report

The most common reason for mortgage rejection is bad credit as we’ll discuss below. So, getting your application declined could be an opportunity to get your affairs in order before your second attempt at a mortgage application.

Settle your credit card balances, repay any outstanding debt, and resist applying for a new mortgage, and these steps will boost your credit report.

Wait Before You Reapply

Most lenders do what’s called a “hard” credit check every time you apply for a mortgage. This check doesn’t only reveal your current credit situation, but it also adversely affects your credit for a temporary period of six months.

Being hasty to reapply for a mortgage is the worst thing you can do to your credit report. Aside from a potential second rejection, it might look desperate on your part and deter future lenders from giving you a chance.

Get Expert Help From a Mortgage Broker

If one lender declined your mortgage application, that doesn’t necessarily mean all of them will. Lenders have different considerations and requirements, so it's all a matter of finding the best deal that suits your finances and demands.

This is where a trusted mortgage advisor from When the Bank Says No can truly benefit you. Our experienced advisors have all the right information on how to improve your chances of approval. Thanks to our relationships with mortgage lenders and our ability to find the deal that best suits your situation, you will receive advice that matches your unique circumstances.

You can get started by talking to our advisors today. They can help you tie down the property you want by finding a lender who will be more likely to approve your application. They can also liaise with your estate agent, conveyancer, or both to make sure they’re in the loop.

Why Was My Mortgage Declined?

Going it alone, you could be doing everything by the book but still find your mortgage application declined. Here are the most common reasons you could face rejection:

Mortgage Declined After Application & AIP

An Agreement in Principle (AIP) is the first step you take before applying for a mortgage. It means the lender agrees that you might be a good candidate for a mortgage application. 

Unfortunately, you can get an AIP approval but still get declined after applying. That could happen due to several reasons:

  • Changes to your employment, e.g. losing your job
  • New adverse credit, e.g. a new line of debt opened
  • Changes to your outgoings, e.g. reckless spending
  • Changes to your debt-to-income ratio
  • Discrepancies or an error on your application that could signal fraud
  • Bad credit was found after the initial checks

Lenders are notoriously flighty at any sign of trouble. They want guarantees that the mortgage will be paid in full and anything warning them of the opposite makes them default to rejection. 

You might think your application was pristine, but depending on the lender, you might not be a good fit. Here’s how to navigate application and AIP rejections.

Mortgage Declined at Underwriting

Underwriting is the process of making sure all the documentation aligns with the lender’s requirements. You might fail at this step due to bad credit that wasn’t discovered during the application process. The underwriter can also find errors in the application and suspect fraud, leading them to scrap the application altogether.

Most underwriter refusals happen because of the incompatibility between the lender’s expectations and your paperwork. Finding the right lender for your needs should help you avoid this problem.

Mortgage Declined on Affordability

Affordability means your ability to pay the monthly mortgage payments on time with no issues. The factors affecting it are your income, the deposit you’ve paid, and your outgoing expenses.

The main reasons you could get declined on the basis of affordability are if you:

  • Are self-employed
  • Work multiple, irregular jobs
  • Rely on over-time, bonuses, and extra shift payments to supplement your income
  • Have a property let with its rent being part of your income
  • Receive benefits, investment income, or retirement income
  • Have a large debt-to-income ratio.

Managing the affordability issue isn’t impossible, but you might require a little assistance.

Mortgage Declined on Valuation

Valuation is the process of surveying the property you want to mortgage and seeing if it falls within the bounds of what the lender is willing to give you. It’s usually done by a professional surveyor and is either paid for upfront -by you- or added to your mortgage.

Getting declined on valuation isn’t uncommon. It could be due to:

  • The property being undervalued by the surveyor
  • Serious structural issues & problems with asbestos, cladding, damp, or Japanese knotweed.
  • Non-standard constructions that include steel & timber frames, thatch, single brick houses, or high-rise buildings.

Not all lenders find these issues “deal-breakers” per se, and getting expert help can help you navigate valuation problems.

Debt Consolidation Mortgages

Remortgaging means consolidating pre-existing debts and your mortgage as a single payment, which makes them more manageable. This has the benefit of lowering monthly costs but also carries the disadvantage of prolonging the fulfilment period, which can add up with the interest rate.

Debt consolidation isn't the way to go for everyone for the aforementioned reason, as well as the fact that not all lenders approve the arrangement. To figure out whether you could benefit from it, reach out to an expert who can advise you on the matter.

Mortgage Declined at Exchange of Contracts

One would think exchanging contracts with the lender and breathing a sigh of relief is the end of the road. However, in some rare, albeit not impossible, cases, the deal falls through after exchange of contracts.

Some undisclosed information might come to light, making the lender reconsider the deal. Things like newly emerging bad credit, documentation errors, as well as suspected fraud.

You don’t have to face this alone, though. Hiring an expert advisor can point you in the right direction, ironing out any potential wrinkles and getting your mortgage approved.

VISA Mortgages

Being a non-British national on Tier 2 or Skilled Worker Visa, you can apply for a mortgage on your dream home. The requirements for this process are a little different, but it’s still possible to secure the property without issues. Spousal/Family Visa holders can also apply for a mortgage.

Having stayed in the UK for at least 2–3 years, the length of stay on your Visa, as well as having a good UK credit score, can all boost your application tremendously. To figure out how to approach the process, contact one of our friendly advisors today.

Expat Mortgages

If you’re a British national living abroad, some lenders may be hesitant in approving your mortgage application. It’s not entirely impossible, though, and you can still find a lender who will approve your application. It will also depend on other factors like credit history, income, and Loan to Value (LTV).

Just expect the interest rates to be a little higher because that’s how the lender ensures you’re a low-risk applicant.

Get Started with a Mortgage Declined Broker

Maximise your chance of approval with specialist advice from an expert in Mortgage Declined

How easy is it to get a mortgage after being declined?

Depending on the reason for the mortgage refusal, getting a mortgage could be as easy as changing the lender. However, your credit score, deposit size, and property valuation will always influence the kind of deal you can get from the lender, with low-risk candidates getting better deals.

That said, enlisting the help of a specialist in loan approval can boost your chances at approval much more than finding a lender on your own.

What factors improve my chances of mortgage approval?

Lenders always look for a candidate they’re almost certain will pay back the loan, in full, on time. Factors like a hefty deposit, a stable income, and a good credit score all make for a good candidate. Even if things don’t start off that way for you, they can improve. Positive changes in your credit score can also signal approval from a lender. Reducing the debt-to-income ratio through a permanent pay rise, paying off credit card debt, and avoiding new lines of debt can all make for a better shot at an approved mortgage.

Other strategies could be getting a credit card and spending and clearing the balance each month. This demonstrates to lenders that you are proficient when it comes to managing your money. You should also keep your bank account address up to date to improve your overall profile and update your address and contact information with your credit reference provider.


Credit Issues

Often, a poor credit score can cause problems for mortgage applicants. Check your credit file with all the credit reference agencies, as the information they hold might differ. If you spot any obvious issues like late payments or CCJs, this is likely to have prompted the rejection. Remember, if anything is wrong, you can take steps to correct your credit file, and get your application back on track. And, if the issues are valid, there are still plenty of specialist lenders who will consider you! It’s just about knowing where to look.

Find out how to get a mortgage with a poor credit history >

Not Registered to Vote

It might come as a surprise, but being registered to vote is actually crucial when applying for a mortgage. You need to be on the electoral roll with your address listed so lenders can confirm who you are and where you currently live. If you think this might be the problem, it’s an easy fix – simply register online or through your local council!

Too much Debt

Lenders want to know that you can handle your mortgage repayments. If you have a lot of debt already – particularly secured loans or payday loans – this might be the cause of your rejection. You also might get declined if you have a history of frequent credit applications, as this might indicate to the lender that you have difficulty managing your money month to month. Remember, any hard search of your credit score is recorded for future lenders to see – so apply cautiously!

Worried about debt? >

Administrative Errors

Sometimes, simple human error can be at the heart of the issue. That’s why applying with the help of an expert is often the safest bet. It’s important to check your application carefully, as any mistakes and inconsistencies can put the lender on their guard for financial crime. And, if they suspect fraud or money laundering, they are unlikely to risk lending you a penny.


Affordability is a common reason mortgages are declined. If your income is below the threshold the lender would consider affordable for your loan amount (worked out via income multiples), you’re probably going to receive an automatic rejection. The good news is, you can improve your affordability by saving up and increasing the size of your deposit. This will make the loan-to-value ratio smaller, and reduce the lender’s risk.

Being Self-Employed

Annoyingly, high street lenders can get a bit funny about applications from self-employed people. You’ll usually have to provide much more information as a self-employed applicant, and many people just don’t have this to hand. If you don’t have proof of two or three years of steady income, you’re likely to get rejected. Thankfully, there are lenders out there who specialise in providing finance to the self-employed.

Mortgage advice for the self-employed >

What to Do Next

By now, you’ll hopefully have a better idea of why your application was unsuccessful the first time around. Here are some steps you might want to consider moving forwards.

Consider Appealing the Decision

If you think your rejection was unwarranted and unfair, it is possible to appeal the decision. When doing so, expert advice can be invaluable, and offer a greater chance of success. At When the Bank Says No, we have years of experience liaising with lenders and appealing unfair judgements. Let’s get your application back on its feet.

Make Yourself More Attractive to Lenders

If a financial mishap or skeleton in your credit closet has reared its head and disrupted your plans, now is the time to try and improve the situation. There are a range of effective strategies you can use – from boosting your credit score to increasing your deposit to minimising debt and budgeting carefully.

Apply Again with Care

We know it won’t take long until you want to apply again – especially if you’ve been declined at a late stage and want to get a property purchase moving. Whatever has happened, it’s important not to panic, but fill out your application carefully, and take the time to investigate the whole market to find the most appropriate lender for your situation this time around.

Not at all. Some lenders are very strict about non-standard constructions, leaving them out as mortgaging options altogether. However, there are lenders who are more lenient and will agree to finance a property rejected by another lender.

The trick is to find those lenders without having to go through multiple mortgage applications, harming your credit score in the process.

Debt consolidation through remortgaging could sound like a wonderful option in the short term. After all, cutting the total you pay monthly leaves you with more disposable income.

That said, some lenders refuse to remortgage, and early repayment charges (ERC) could prove too costly. In that case, you should wait until ERCs are waived and find a new lender with better debt consolidation policies. A remortgaging expert can help you with just that.

No, not all lenders will take the step of a final credit check, but some do. To be on the safe side, you should handle any adverse credit that arises to avoid mortgage rejection at this late stage.

If your lender bails out after the contract exchange, don’t panic! You can find an alternative lender who won’t mind the negative changes to your credit score with the help of a mortgage advisor.

So, when can you reapply? There is no one answer to the question, as it depends on your specific situation, and how quickly you can correct whatever caused the issue.

Technically, you could reapply immediately, but this is probably not the best idea! If you haven’t addressed the problem, a rash move like this is likely to result in another rejection. And, though a rejection itself doesn’t appear on your credit score, any hard credit searches do. As a result, this course of action is only going to make applications for finance more difficult in the future.

Our advice? Wait a bit, let the dust settle, and get a second opinion. A specialist mortgage broker will be able to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of your application and your current financial circumstances, and identify the most appropriate next steps. Though it might involve a bit more waiting around, this route will significantly increase your chances of future approval.

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Mortgage Declined Calculator

Making mortgage approvals when you reapply a reality.

Having had a mortgage declined previously can make it difficult to find the mortgage you need, whether it's your second mortgage application or you've had multiple refusals. The good news is that securing the funds you need after you've previously been declined a mortgage is far from impossible. Our mortgage advisors are here to help you to find a solution when your mortgage application is declined.

Though many high street lenders will be unwilling to consider mortgage applications from those who have previously been declined, some specialist mortgage lenders are more open to considering those that the high street banks typically turn away.

When the Bank Says No has expert mortgage brokers who can identify the best mortgage deals for those who have made a mortgage application but been declined. We've helped many people secure a mortgage when they'd almost given up hope of finding a mortgage provider willing to lend to them.

Let's get the ball rolling.

We can support you and help you to make yourself as attractive to banks as possible, ready for your next application!

Check your credit file.

In order for us to assess your credit history and suitability for different mortgage products, you will need to check your file.